Keeping a daily checklist on or near a forklift or powered lift is a great way of ensuring that the operator of the machine is aware of, and utilizing, important safety measures. There are differences in the checklists between gas, LPG or electric forklifts. Keeping safety as your first priority and being mindful of your surroundings are the most important factors. So, consult the following general list before operating a forklift:
- Attachments (if forklift is equipped with these) – Not damaged and operating well.
- Backup alarm – Functioning.
- Battery charge – Level should be good while holding full forward lift.
- Battery connections – Tight enough.
- Brakes – Function well without grabbing. Parking brake holds lift on incline.
- Control levers – Labeled and freely returning to neutral (not too loose or binding).
- Covers – In place and secure over battery and any hazardous parts.
- Engine — Running smoothly and quietly and doesn’t have leaks or sparks coming from the exhaust.
- Engine oil – Free of leaks and full.
- Forklift body – No excessive lint, oil or grease.
- Forks and mast – These should not be bent, worn or cracked.
- Fuel level – Free of leaks and full.
- Gauges and instruments – Functioning.
- Horn – Functioning.
- Hydraulic oil — Free of leaks and full.
- Lift and lower – Operating well and without excess drift.
- Lights (head, tail, warning) – Functioning and aimed the right way.
- Load back-rest extension – This should not be cracked, bent or loose, and should be in the correct position.
- Load rating plate – Present and readable.
- Motor – Running smoothly without sudden acceleration.
- Operator’s manual – Present and readable.
- Overhead guard — Should be in place with no damage at all.
- Radiator — Free of leaks and full.
- Seat belt – Easily accessible and not oily, dirty or damaged.
- Steering – Responsive and smooth.
- Tilt – Operating well and without excess drift or noise.
- Tires – Inflated and should not have excessive wear or damage.
- Turn signal – Functioning.
- Warning decals — Present and readable.